
3 Devious MLM – Network Marketing Approaches

I fell for it again. Me…over 15 years in the biz…duped by another network marketer. No wonder why our industry has such a reputation if one has to stoop to such levels. This one I call the FACEBOOK FRIEND (see below) approach.We use to think the stories of network marketers popping out at you in malls were outrageous. I am sure we all have our own variations on this theme.The first trick is called the SNEAKER. Here is where you use any means available to you to get in front of someone to show them your business. A friend and business colleague called me and Iphone 4s Game Controller said that he was on the road and wanted to stop by. I asked him Motorcycle Apparel what he wanted to discuss as I was headed out of the office. He said it was really important so I told him to come right over. Within ten minutes he was there with a woman who I recognized as having been a volleyball coach to our daughter. Turns out she was his sponsor in a new products oriented network marketing business and he wanted her to do the presentation for me. I was seething for the few minutes it took me to shoo them out. Needless to say, I no longer consider him a friend or a business colleague. (P.S. He lasted less than two months in this venture.)Secondly we have the FACEBOOK FRIEND. How this one works is first you establish a friendship. Exchange a few messages seeking to build a relationship. You coyly start sending messages about having learned so much about Facebook marketing and then you have your victim, er, I mean your FB "friend" attend a webinar promising some Facebook training. Of course, YOU know it is actually about your health and wellness mlm opportunity. HE does not have a clue what it is all about until a couple of minutes into the webinar. Any wonder why your new FB "friend" is not responding to your follow-up messages? And, lastly, a third way I call the HELP ME AMBUSH. This technique involves someone asking you to help them make a decision whether a business opportunity is legit or not. Be prepared to be buttered up more than a Purdue chicken: the reason why I want you to evaluate this business opportunity for me is because you are so knowledgeable when it comes to compensation plans and these network marketing companies. A relative of mine used this approach on me. All I did was ask one question: have you already joined this company? The answer was yes. So I responded that since the decision was already made to sign-up it was probably a good decision and I wished him the best of luck. (He lasted just shy of three months.)As trite as it may sound, I learned a long time ago (30+ years ago as a matter of fact) in my "day" job to treat customers as I wanted to be treated. The same thing applies in network marketing. If you are unsure of the best approach to use in building your network marketing business just ask your young son, daughter or (if you are my age, you know, older than dirt) your grandchildren what is the best policy? Guaranteed they will say honesty is the best policy. You taught them well.

