
Capture Pages and Autoresponders

You are looking for ways to earn a residual income and have found some online opportunity's that look good or maybe you have already started with a network marketing company and it has not taken off as you would liked it to, as you have no idea or don't know how to market a business yet alone how to sell a product. You have had product training and have learnt about all the different products that your MLM company has in its web store and you have gone to meetings and seminars and watched DVD's over and over but you still have shifted hardly any product and have had a Motorcycle Helmet few or no sign ups into your business.The pain of writing hundreds of articles, publishing them on the world wide web and not getting any click through's can be downright discouraging and off putting but getting just one sale eventually is a positive step in the right direction but then you don't know where that sale has come from and so you are unable to improve on your advertising efforts in that particular area so as to generate more sales from the same place as that one came from.For anyone to succeed they will need a marketing strategy that is going to be effective and one that has little or no running cost's and is simple to set up yet effective at marketing your MLM business, this is where a capture page and follow up system comes in.When it comes to generating sales leads to sell your products and generating leads that will eventually join you in your business you will need them to visit a capture page that will give your visitor some information to create curiosity as to what is on the other side that you are offering to them so that they will fill out the information form just to see what it is, once they have done this they are taken to another web page in your site offering them products and or your business opportunity, but what they don't know is that their details that they filled in on your capture page are "captured" and sent to your list so that they are sent automatic follow ups via e-mail every few days to send them back to your site, as we all know that 99% of people will not buy anything on their first visit, it is only after they have come back at least seven times that they will buy, this is done with an auto responder. There are other factors that make up the reason why people buy such as cash flow or just simply the mood that they are in or just simply if they want they will buy it even if they can't afford it they will find the money from somewhere. Auto responders contain pre written e-mails about your products, MLM business and are designed with links in to send your prospect back to pages in your website such as product pages and business opportunity presentation page and also they contain your contact details so that your prospect can call you if they want more information on your products or business.Auto responders will also help you to build rapport with your prospect as they will be viewing your info overtime and see that it is being sent from the same person and they will treat it as valuable information. Building rapport with your prospects is the core to building your business as your prospects will see you as someone that they trust and who will offer valuable advice and training.Traffic from the web is necessary but without capture pages you are not going to be able to build your list as a visitor will simply look at your page and Naruto Cosplay say "I will come back to that later" but they never will as they will not book mark it and will forget the web address and how they came across it in the first place so again this is where the capture page will come in as it will capture your visitor's details add them to your list and the auto responder will start sending your prospect e-mails to bring them back to your site in order to view your products and business that will eventually lead to a sale or even a sign up.So now that you know what capture pages and auto responders do the next step would be to find out where you would get one from and how much they cost and surprisingly auto responders are inexpensive yet a valuable asset to any MLM business and once set up properly can be left alone and will work 24hours per day every day.

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